Stillington & Whitton

 Stillington Cenataph Inscriptions 

Erected to the Grateful Memory of the Men of this Parish who Gave their Lives in the Great War

First World War 1914 - 1919            36 men died - 113 men returned - we owe them all


Surname   Forenames Regiment Rank/No Died    Born Home 1911 Born in  Age
Argyle A V Albert Victor West Yorks Reg Pte 24270 01/07/1916    1894 19.Lowson St Stillington 22
Barr J R John R Durham L Infantry Pte 30224 17/09/1916    1897 35,Lowson St Stillington 19
Blenkinsopp F Frank Durham L Infantry 2nd Ltn 05/05/1917    1886 1, South St  Whitton  31
Challis A                
Cowan S I Samuel Irvin Leicester Reg Pte 19028 08/03/1916    1891 16, Lowson Sr Stillington 25
Cummins J G John George Durham L Infantry Pte 16984 21/09/1916    1890 17, North St Broom park 26
Daniels W David William?          1890 Glyklyne Terr Stillington
Durrant A Albert York.& Lanc.Reg. Pte 15683 05/05/1915   14 West Street Scarborogh
Fawcett N Norman Durham L Infantry L/CPL 03/05/1917    1892 1, South St Whitton 25
Fenny W William Durham L Infantry Pte 7099 05/11/1916    1899 24, West St Stockton 17
Gell C Charles Fred' Kings(L'rpool Reg) Pte 87504 01/09/1918    1883 Aycliffe Stillington 35
Goodman H   Henry Durham L Infantry Pte 73363 08/05/1918    1899 47 Lowson St Bradford
Hardy G H George How Alexandra L Corp 19783 01/07/1916    1894 Stockton Stockton 22
Harper B Bertie Durham L Infantry Pte 3872 1916    1894 44 Lowson St W Cornforth 22
Harris T              
Hill A              
Jackson E Edward Durham L Infantry Pte 4/9775 29/03/1918    1896 13, Morrison St Stillington 22
Johnson A              
Metcalf M              
Parker W              
Robinson G H George Henry York.& Lanc.Reg. L/CPL19703 19/11/1916    1894 6, North St Stillington 22
Stewart A Alexander     09/02/1917    1884 16, North St Glasgow 34
Tait J Joseph James Durham L Infantry Pte 30071 16/09/1916    1882 4, Morrison St Coxhoe 34
Townsend E A Edwin Allen Rifle Brigade) RfmanS/2438 10/07/1916    1889 Middlesbrough Stillington 27
Walkington G H Gilbert Hodgson Alexandra Pte 11257 09/05/1918    1896 3, Glykoline Terr Stillington 22
Ward M              
Whitwell R Robert Durham L Infantry Pte 32136 18/10/1916    1894 22, Lowson St Stillington 22
Wills H L           14 south St/46,Morrison St  
Wilson W              
Wilson W O William O Lanc Fusiliers Pte 29098 08/08/1916    1890 8, Lowson St Stillington
Wood G   George Edward Durham L Infantry Pte 203045 21/09/1917    1893 Merton Gr Farm Stillington 24
Wood  H L Harold Durham L Infantry Pte 200578 24/04/1917    1897 Merton Gr Farm Stillington 20
Wright A              
Wyeth B Bertie York.& Lanc.Reg. Pte 19723 03/07/1916    1889 29, Lowson St W H'pool 27
Young G George Lanc. Fusiliers Pte 36759 11/11/1918    1887 1, South St Strensall Yorks 31

Second World War 1939 -1945   - In  Memory of the Men who fell in the Great War

Surname   Forenames Regiment Rank/No Died      Born Home 1911 Cemetary 
Britton E Ernest Green Howards J Lance Corp 29/05/1940       West Street  
Charlson G George Royal Arm. Corps J Lance Corp 07/08/1944        
Hardy R Raymond RN Sphinx AB 26034 08/11/1944       Lowson Street  Alexandria
Kendrew J John Royal Artillery Driver4286266 16/02/1944       Redmarshall St  Anzio
Lupton J              
Stewart W              
Tingle A Albert RN Exmouth AB 24414 21/01/1940        Portsmouth

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